Order online
Follow this link to order your prescriptions online
How to order prescriptions?
Prescriptions are best ordered online. You need to register to use our online repeat prescription ordering service. Please follow the advice on the Digital Support Page.
Repeat prescriptions can also be ordered by completing the right-hand section of your previous prescription form. You can either leave it at the surgery in the postbox at the front door or send it to us by post.
Your prescription will be ready for collection 48 hours later.
Order by email
Please direct all medication requests through the prescription email – nencicb-tv.linthorpescripts@nhs.net
Ordering via telephone
We have a prescription ordering line: please call 01642 856066 and select the prescriptions ordering line OPTION 2.
This line is in operation from 9am until 12pm for ordering AND 2pm until 4pm for queries Monday to Friday and is reserved for the following groups of people:
- under 10 year olds
- over 65 year olds
- Those patients recorded as being severely frail
- Those patients recorded as having a learning difficulty
- Those patients on the palliative care register
- Those patients recorded as having dementia
- Those patients who are housebound
Please note – prescriptions can only be ordered via telephone during the hours of 9am until 12pm for patients who meet the above criteria.
Commonly asked questions
What is the difference between Repeat Dispensing known as RD and repeat prescriptions?
Repeat Dispensing: The pharmacy holds a set amount of prescriptions issued by the GP (usually for 1 year) this medication can be dispensed monthly without a request being made to the GP each month. This automatically goes to your chemist without you asking for it. For example blood pressure medications. You will be informed normally via SMS when your medication review is due to be completed and the GP may request some additional information or monitoring, once this has been completed your RD can be set back up for another year. Please ensure any additional information is provided to us as soon as possible otherwise it may mean you will have to request your medications manually until the GP is able to reauthorise your medications for the next year.
Repeat Prescriptions: These require a request to be made monthly or weekly (depending on your prescription) in order for a prescription to be authorised by the GP.
There are some medications which cannot be on Repeat Dispensing (RD) for example moisturisers, inhalers, occasional medications. So you may have a combination of both Repeat and Repeat Dispensing items on your repeat prescription list.
NHS prescription charges and exemptions
Go to the NHS website for the latest prescription charges and exemption criteria