Call us: 01642 856066

Lines open 8.00am – 6.00pm

Depression and anxiety: an update on available support

Mental Health Support at Linthorpe Surgery

For urgent mental health support:

If you are struggling to cope with every day life

Call the local Crisis Support Line free on 0800 0516171.

If you’re having suicidal thoughts

To talk to someone who is trained to listen contact the Samaritans on 116 123.
They are there for you 24 hours a day and all calls are free.

If you are about to seriously harm yourself or have harmed yourself

Call 999 and ask for help or go straight to your local Accident & Emergency department.

If you fear you may harm someone else

Call 999 and ask for urgent help.


Mental Health Practitioners

Within the practice we have 2 Mental Health Practitioners Sarah Wood and Andrea Howlett.

Their role is to offer specialist mental health support and advice to those patients struggling with complex mental health difficulties. This service is currently available to adults over the age of 18 and who are not currently under secondary mental health services.

They provide specialist advice, support and screening to access treatment or therapy options. Short term interventions may also be provided within the practice.

You can be referred to the mental health practitioners following an e consultation, or a consultation with another healthcare professional within the practice.


Mental Health Support available for you to access directly

IMPACT On Teesside – this service provides free life changing support and services to those struggling with depression, stress, anxiety and other mental health and emotional issues. Its easy to self-refer through their website. Please visit there website or telephone on 01642 573924.

For support for loss and bereavement:

Cruse Bereavement support telephone 0808 808 1677 or visit the website

Teesside Hospice – Bereavement Support

Are you a carer for someone with a mental or physical health problem – confidential support is available with Carers Together. Tel: 01642 488977 or go to their web page

Middlesbrough and Stockton MIND carers support Carers and Families (

For any difficulties with addiction / dependence to drugs or alcohol support is available, please call 01642 726800 to explore what help is available. You can also visit the Alcohol and drug support hub at


Kooth – Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people

Kooth is an online mental health and well-being service for young people in Middlesbrough and Redcar and Cleveland. It offers free, safe and anonymous online counselling and support –

Domestic Abuse service Middlesbrough, My Sisters Place offer a range of confidential support you can call on 01642 241864 or take a look at the website for support they offer at https://www.mysistersplace


Mental health listening services (including out of hours)

Samaritans (24/7. App too) 116 123

CALM (5pm-midnight) 0800 58 58 58 or webchat

Shout (24/7 free text chat) TEXT ‘shout’ to 85258

SANEline (4.30pm–10.30pm) 0300 304 7000

Silverline (24/7, aged 55+) 0800 4 708090.