Loneliness, living alone and poor social connections can have a huge impact on your wellbeing. Samaritans have some great ideas on how to tackle loneliness https://www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help/if-youre-having-difficult-time/if-youre-feeling-lonely/ #loneliness #middlesbrough #socialprescribing
Improving Learning Disability support at Linthorpe Surgery
Here at Linthorpe Surgery we are aligning with the Diamond Standard Pathway for NENC ICB after we have recently made some changes to the way we offer and run our … [continue] Improving Learning Disability support at Linthorpe Surgery
Depression and anxiety: an update on available support
Mental Health Support at Linthorpe Surgery For urgent mental health support: If you are struggling to cope with every day life Call the local Crisis Support Line free on 0800 0516171. If … [continue] Depression and anxiety: an update on available support
Loneliness, living alone and poor social connections can have a huge impact on your wellbeing. If you or someone you know is suffering from loneliness and isolation, social prescribing can … [continue] Loneliness
Carers week. Are you a carer in Middlesbrough, or know someone who is?
Social prescribing at Linthorpe Surgery: Holgate PCN
Please have a look at our Newsletter for this month, and all the great work our social prescribing team have been doing. EXTERNAL Social Prescribing Newsletter November 22
Testicular Cancer

Testicular cancer Each year in the UK, around 2,300 men are diagnosed with testicular cancer. It is more common in white men and younger to middle-aged men. Testicular cancer can … [continue] Testicular Cancer
Prostate cancer update.
Prostate Cancer It’s the most common cancer in men, but most men with early prostate cancer don’t have symptoms. 1 in 8 men will get prostate cancer. If you’re over … [continue] Prostate cancer update.
This month is the annual Movember movement across the world, an opportunity to raise awareness and tackle the issues of men’s health. Depression, anxiety, personality disorders and schizophrenia are no … [continue] Movember
World Suicide Prevention Day
September the 10th 2022 is World Suicide Prevention Day It’s OK to ask about suicidal thoughts. It may save a life. Here are some tips on how to start a … [continue] World Suicide Prevention Day
Social prescribing newsletter August 2022!
SP newsletter EXTERNAL Aug
Prescriptions for Holidays
The Linthorpe Surgery does not prescribe sedatives like diazepam for fear of flying. This policy decision has been made by the GP Partners and is adhered to by all prescribers … [continue] Prescriptions for Holidays
Care navigation: what is it?
Care navigation What happens when I call the practice? All patients who call the practice will be taken through a set of questions by our Care Navigation team. We have … [continue] Care navigation: what is it?
Urgent Update Re: COVID clinic
Due to the current supply issues with the covid vaccines – we are very sorry to announce we are unable to provide covid vaccinations and boosters to our patients for … [continue] Urgent Update Re: COVID clinic
Springtime Covid Booster Update
Springtime Covid Booster Update:- Clinics – Unfortunately due to vaccine supply in the area we will not be able to run the clinics we originally planned -Saturday 7th, Sunday 8th, … [continue] Springtime Covid Booster Update
E Consult Times
Online consultations are available Monday to Friday 7am-1pm or until we reach full capacity. They will be dealt with by the end of the next working day.
COVID Clinic Update
Walk In Clinics @ North Ormesby Site The last clinic will be held on Saturday 26th March 9am-2pm. Patients who are due a vaccination can still book through the national … [continue] COVID Clinic Update
National COVID updates
Despite National Guidance changing regarding the wearing of masks, and the use of testing, there will be no changes in the healthcare setting. The advice remains in place: Please wear … [continue] National COVID updates
Linthorpe Surgery Awarded for Outstanding End of Life Care During Pandemic
See Gazette article
Ear Irrigation
Ear Irrigation Please see an information sheet, detailing facts about ear wax and a 4-step guide to ear irrigation and key points. If you have further questions, feel free to … [continue] Ear Irrigation
Veteran Accredited Practice
Linthorpe Surgery has received confirmation that we are now a Veteran Accredited Practice Thanks to Dr Emily Cockroft as the Veteran Lead for her hard work in achieving this. The Armed Forces Covenant is … [continue] Veteran Accredited Practice
Covid exemption certificates
We have had a National update regarding the process for exemption certificates. Process as follows: Patient calls 119 119 send electronic form to GP, Specialist or Midwife Clinician then completes … [continue] Covid exemption certificates
Face Masks in Healthcare Settings
New Government guidance in relation to Face masks – Face coverings and face masks will continue to be required in health and care settings to comply with infection prevention and control … [continue] Face Masks in Healthcare Settings
Social Prescribing: Great for your mental health
Originally when I started working with my patient Andrew we were just having telephone appointments as Andrew was against meeting face to face. Andrew was referred to us as he … [continue] Social Prescribing: Great for your mental health